Elevate Your Prospects

Increase your exposure and interest by letting consumers discover your business through drone photography and analysis.

ASTROMIND drone service offers a comprehensive package that meets any analysis and marketing needs.

Standard Service Includes:

A Plethora of Images

Our design team enhances pictures using the latest Adobe suite to ensure quality and marketability.

4K Highlights Reel

Our design team also prepares a cinematically cut a highlights video with custom intro or outro to showcase your brand.

Fits all Marketing Needs

Mark your presence on any social media platform you desire. With drone photography and footage to showcase.

Technical Support

Our work isn’t done until the content we prepared is being utilized properly, we help with any social media or web embedding.

A plethora of extras to ensure a smooth experience

These services can be added to your order easily. Just click below for our complete package or standard package and add any extra that you see fit.

Extra Add-Ons

3D Model

Our specialized drone software uses AI and a variety of sensors to generate an accurate and interactive 3D model of any sites.

Orthomosaic Map

Using our drone’s onboard GPS, our software guides our drone flight path to capture thousands of images to stitch together and create an accurate to-scale map.

Digital Elevation Models

Georeferenced digital elevation models (DSMs and DTMs) to monitor ground elevation before construction. This can greatly reduce erosion and help plan contingencies for flooding.

360 Pictures

360 Pictures to showcase your Business in Google, Facebook, and many other platforms.

Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the turnaround time for Drone Videos?

Our average turnaround is near 4 business days. It depends heavily on client availability for the shoot. Post Processing generally takes between 24-36 hours.

What is the next step after I place the order?

An associate will contact you to confirm the details of the project and make necessary appointments. They will also go over the optimal uses of the Video to increase prospect engagement.

What if I am having issues adding the videos on my business website?

All plans come with necessary implementation support. Our staff will help you utilize virtual tours to take advantage of the latest consumer trends.

I don’t know a lot about Drones, Do I have to answer a lot of Questions?

You can choose your level of involvement with the project. We will pick up from where you left off, and make sure to create a professional experience that complements your brand.

What 2D formats do you support?

All our work is completely done in-house, and support commonly used format files below.

Image Formats: (.jpg) (.png) (.gif) (.tiff) (.bmp) (.exif) (.webP) (.cgm) (.svg)
Video Formats: (.ogg) (.avi) (.mp4) (.m4v) (.3gp)

What 3D formats do you support?

We can export data in any format

Commonly used 3D formats: (.obj) (.plz)

Commitment to Excellence

All projects goes through four critical stages to ensure quality and consistency, while clients choose their level of involvement.

Set Project Details

ASTROMIND team reviews the work order and recommends design choices that fit your brand.

If any footage needs to be shot for the project, this is the stage where we set a date and time to send our team out. After we receive an ideal design input and footage, we then begin to finalize a template.

Prepare Completed Draft

Once the project details are set, the ASTROMIND team begins the work and a first draft of the completed project is sent to the client for review.

No project leaves this stage until the client is satisfied with the results.

Implement Project

Once the final draft is approved, the project moves to the implementation stage.

We understand that every project is ordered with an intended purpose, and overwork isn’t completed until that purpose is fulfilled.